Dave wrote, April 1, 2012
Looking forward to spring and golf, we have had over 450" of snow in Vail this winter. Polly and John came out to ski for a week in February. Susie and Randy Rudloff joined us for dinner one evening. My wife Lisa and I are headed to Hawaii in 2 weeks to recover from winter.
June 9, 2014 (email)
Hi Guys, just when I thought I would not move again, here we are back in Denver at a different hotel. Thanks for updating me on your lists and if I have missed anything from 1/1/14 to now, please forward it to me. Thanks, Dave
Dave Pease, General Manager
150 Clayton Lane, Denver, CO 80206
Phone: 303.316.2700 l Direct: 303.253.3002 l Fax: 303.253.3028